Know us ^-^

We are girls that have been go through this pure and sincere relationship since we are all in the form one and we get closer when we in the form three. We share happiness, sadness, calmness, coolness and 'gila-gila'ness as well. Be friend with us ^-^

Sunday 10 February 2013

new face, new skin

assalamualaikum :)

da macam iklan produk kecantikan kan? haha
biasalah.....ayat kena bombastik!! baru org tertanya-tanya. hehe.

tu semate2 tagline untuk wajah baru blog ni :D . hehe

mmg da lame sgt tak masuk blog ni. bkn xnk masuk blog tapi xde point yg best nak cerite
nanti org kate merapu plak. anyway, i wanna thanks my friend yg masuk berTOPIK
it's such a good effort
buat la lagi. hehe

yang masuk tak berTOPIK mcm aku pn,
nak ucap terima kasih jgk sbb at least ade effort utk mengadap pc o laptop
untuk buat entry
toce toce *kan tgh rye cine. hehe

harap korg yg masuk blog ni tak boring n enjoy 
in Shaa Allah nnti kami make an effort utk buat blog ni lebih berinfomasi
in Shaa Allah 

keep  spreading love, happiness and positivity

Sunday 3 February 2013

hye..salam perkenalan:)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.. untuk yang kesekian kalinya aku post something kat blog nie..xtually x de idea pun nk tulis ape tapi memandangkan i am so boring dan disebabkan itula hampir kesemua cerita aku dah tengok mane x nye for the whole night i just waste my time watching movie till dawn..haha..ape2 jela..   okay now i will start my post with something beneficial.(bi tunggang langgang).huhu
ade several cara bagaimana psikology boleh kite gunekan untuk mempengaruhi seseorang itu...
1..Get favors
    tricks: Get someone to do a favor for you(also known as Benjamin Franklin effect)

Legend has it that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to win over a man who didn’t like him. He asked the man to lend him a rare book and when the book was received he thanked him graciously. As a result, this the man who had never wanted to speak to him before, became good friends with Franklin. To quote Franklin: “He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another than he whom you yourself have obliged.”
Scientists decided to test this theory and found that those who were asked by the researcher for a personal favor rated the researcher much more favorably than the other groups did. It may seem counter-intuitive, but the theory is pretty sound. If someone does a favor for you, they are likely to rationalize that you must have been worth doing the favor for, and decide that therefore they must like you.

2.Aim High

trick: Ask for way more than you want at first then scale it back later.

This trick is sometimes known as the door in the face approach. You start by throwing a really ridiculous request at someone—a request they will most likely reject. You then come back shortly thereafter and ask for something much less ridiculous—the thing you actually wanted in the first place. This trick may also sound counter-intuitive, but the idea behind it is that the person will feel bad for refusing your first request, even though it was unreasonable, so when you ask for something reasonable they will feel obliged to help out this time.

Scientists tested this principle and found that it worked extremely well as long as the same person asked for both the bigger and smaller favor, because the person feels obliged to help you the second time and not anyone else.


Trick: Use a person’s name, or their title depending on the situation.

Dale Carnegie, the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, believed that using someone’s name was incredibly important. He said that a person’s name is the sweetest sound in any language for that person. A name is the core part of our identity, and so hearing it validates our existence, which makes us much more inclined to feel positively about the person who validated us.

But using a title, or form of address can also have strong effects, according to the as if principle. The idea is that if you act like a certain type of person, you will become that person, it’s a bit like a self fulfilling prophecy. To use this to influence others, you can refer to them as what you want them to be, so they will start thinking of themselves this way. This can be as simple as calling an acquaintance you want to be closer to “friend,” or “mate” whenever you see them, or referring to someone you want to work for as “boss.” But be warned: this can come off as very corny.

 That's all for today..okay hopefully anda2 yang membacanya have fun and enjoy coz i just do it for fun okay.... assalamulaikum and bye bye..

Monday 28 January 2013


gay ke apo nih???
haishh.. berhusnuzonla kite :)))) actually perkataan aku mula perasaan bile aku baca novel online. dia dok tulis. husnuzon. husnuzon. gua pon pelik lar. lama2. uhh.. baru tau maksud dia bersangke baik. macam gamba kartoon tu. peluk2 laki ngan laki macam gay. bukan haram pongg. lainla kalau laki ngan pompuan peluk2 macam kat tv tuhh..
aku. aceceh. macam belog nih aku yang punyer pulekkk. actually ni blog berkumpulan. admin dia. ahkak nabell. sekarang ahkak nabel jual tudung. bile nak buat perasmian pong gua nggak tau. aishh. melalut ape nihh. sambung citer balik.
aku ni sebagai manusia yang lemah. selemah2nya selalu sangat berhusnuzon nih. tipulah kalau orang lain takdo perasaan macam ni. kan kan kan. aku rase aku start berhusnuzon secare besar-besaran a.k.a selalu berhusnuzon mase form 3 kot. biasela. darah mude. selalu fikir macam2. kesianla kat kawan2 aku yang telah dihusnuzonkan. hehe.
   tapi. alhamdulillah. bile time form 5. aku dapat penyakit migrain. aku pong pelik lar. tibe2 je dapat migrain nih. migrain sebenarnya penyakit sakit kepala yang sangat sakit. sampai kadang2 tak boleh nak berdiri langsung. itula aku rase mase migrain. actually penyakit ni aku kene lepas abis pmr. sedap2 dok main bola jaring. tibe2 gua sakit kepala yang teramat sangat. sampai terguling2 atas padang. uishh. sadis betul
So, apa kaitannye migrain hang ngan husnuzon nihh???
 sejak aku diiktiraf kan sebagai pesakit migrain mase form 5 tu. aku kena makan ubat. so, disebabkan penyakit migrain aku nih selalu terjadi time dekat sekolah. terpaksala aku campak ubat aku dalam pencil case aku nasibla pensil case aku tu besaq gedabak. so boleh aku campak macam2. even, kalkulator aku pong campak situ gak. huhu. ok. sambung citer. bile aku dah campak ubat migrain aku dalam pencil case. ade classmate aku tanye 'kau bawak dadah ke ni?'. sentap tau ati mak. nasib aku jenis sopan santun. aku gelak comel je kat die. huihuihui
So, apa kaitan ubat yang kau campak dalam pencil case kau dengan husnuzon?
hehe. saje je cerite kenagan kat sekolah. hehe. back to topic!! then. bile aku bace surat khabaq. dia ada tulis cara2 untuk menghilangkan migrain. salah satunye adalah jangan berprasangka buruk. so, aku terase di situ. bila aku pikir2 balik. muhasabah diri aku. and aku rase betul la dia tulis tu. dan bile aku tengok citer ape tah. ustazah tu cakap 'kite kena selalu kena fikir positif'. lebih kurang macam tu la. so, sejak dari tu. aku mula berfikiran positif. kadang2 terpakse berfikiran positif. berdosa gak kot kalau asik pikir bukan2 kat orang lain. alhamdulillah :). sekarang aku dah jimat duit. takyah beli ubat migrain. dan terus berprasangaka baik dan think positive!!
so, the conclusion is. kite kena selalu igatkan diri kite to think positive. so. orang dekat sekeliling kite pong aku fikir positif pasal kite. insyaAllah :)

Sunday 20 January 2013

Hidup Budak Tak Sekolah



What's up yoo!! hehe. terlebih hormon ceria ni.

oke.. cri idea. cari idea. cari idea

actually still nebes lagik ni. biasala hidup makin matang so, kenala buat macam orang matang. takkan nak buat perangai cam budak2 kowtt. *krikkrikkrik*

oke, haisy bape banyak oke ni. lepas habis spm ni. hidup terasa aman kejap. sehari dua je. masuk hari ketiga mula mengelupur. biasala hidup selalu buat keje. pagi sekola.ptg
tuisyen. malam tuisyen. tgah malam study + tgok tv + facebooking + twittering + bloggering. #eh. so bile hari2 mengadap laptop je. of course rase soooo bowink. pastu mulala hapdate kat fb. twitter.

"eii. bowinknyer hariw niew. takdew sapew2 nak chat2 ngan kitew kew? baik unfriend
teros :D"

kau igat comel ke buat ayat cam tu? memang kene kutuk dalam hati lerrr. huhuhu.

so, bile hidup mula kosong. jiwa tak kosong eh. mulala p cari kerja sana sini. buat muka comel sikit. suara lemah lembut mintak keje. then, dua tige hari pastu. confirm dapat punyer. aku tak buat macam ni eh. aku kan minah pemalu. so ayah aku yang mintak. nampak sangat budak tak matang kan. *krikkrikkrik*


bile dah kerja. alhamdullilah. bolehla. bolehla. time dapat gaji tu. muka depan bos macam nak dapat penampor. kool je. bila masuk kerete. muka terus excited habis. siap meloncat2 dalam kerete lagik. normal la tu. biasa dapat duit 3 hinggit sehari. tupon
time skola jerk. bile cuti. pandai2 buat sajak, pantun or syair kat mak. hiuhiuhiu. oke. try untuk tidak mengkakukan stori. so, for those yang nak hidup senang carikla keje. nak topup pong takyah nak mintak2 kat parents lagikk. oke. THE END. nampak sangat cerita tergantung.

Saturday 19 January 2013


Assalamualaikum. :)

HAI!!!!! :E

Lama tak buat karangan dalam belogg. lepas rehat setahun *nak berspm* tahun  ni Insha-Allah sambung balik karangan. hehe. sumpah gua nebes. tak tau apa pashal. emm. emm. oke. Alhamdullilah. lepas habis belajaq sakan. tusyen sana sini. akhirnya kami berspm. tgokla result camno. nebes. nebes.
Now, ada yang tengah kijo. amik leshen kete. buat taik mato pon ade gak. aish. hidup dah makin besau. kadang2 tak sangka umuq dah 18!! whoa! rase mude cam 17 jewwww. Nasib baik doceanz tak dapat plkn. semua tarik napas lega. AINAA sorang teriak 7 hari 7 malam. haisyy. sabo je la
Oke. ingat nak upload gamba zaman dulu2 tapi tak boleh plak. sedehhhh :(
Papai :D